Zeus: Sado Island
︎10587 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064Image Description:
Single-column ad, printed in black on white background. Black border encloses ad. Advertisement for magazine, large logotype at top of ad, below which is printed a halftone black and white drawing three white, muscular males in fantasy leather and bondage wear with various mask styles, spike accents and large boots. Text follows.
Text Ad:
ZEUS PUBLICATIONS 10587 W. PICO SADO ISLAND Illustrated futuristic road warrior S&M high adventure story. “Redically imaginitive... the hottest, bondage jack-off mag ever.” 48 pages/ORder ZM-333 $12.50 plus $1.50 Shipping Send $2.00 (redeemable) for brochures. State that you are 21 THE ZEUS COLLECTION P.O.Box 64250 - Dept. AM Los Angeles, CA 90064