The Stag
︎5873 Atlantic, Long Beach
Image Description:
Single-column ad printed in black on a white background. In top left corner, a half-tone logo of a muscular white man with dark beard and hair, holding a stag on his shoulders, The Stag printed vertically to his left. Remainder of text is stacked, right-aligned in the right hand corner of ad.
Ad Text:
THE STAG MONDAY Buck a Pitcher TUESDAY Free Pool 6 P.M. to closing $1.00. All the draft you can drink 9 P.M. to Midnight SUNDAY Open at 6 A.M. (213) 423-9772 5873 Atlantic, Long Beach
︎5873 Atlantic, Long Beach
Image Description:
Single-column ad printed in black on a white background. In top left corner, a half-tone logo of a muscular white man with dark beard and hair, holding a stag on his shoulders, The Stag printed vertically to his left. Remainder of text is stacked, right-aligned in the right hand corner of ad.
Ad Text:
THE STAG MONDAY Buck a Pitcher TUESDAY Free Pool 6 P.M. to closing $1.00. All the draft you can drink 9 P.M. to Midnight SUNDAY Open at 6 A.M. (213) 423-9772 5873 Atlantic, Long Beach