Published In:
SinBros #4, Spring 1990
Filed Under:
Zines, Bookstores, QZAP, Hollywood
SinBros #4, Spring 1990
Filed Under:
Zines, Bookstores, QZAP, Hollywood
The Sit and Spin
︎5903 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028︎Source Link: SinBros #4 on QZAP
Image Description:
Full page ad for The Sit and Spin, a weekly Tuesday-night event at Las Estrellas Nightclub, printed in black on a white background. Ad features half-tone and line-art design featuring a large spiral, overlayed with mid-century clip-art and lettering reading “It’s Sit and Spin” where the dot in each “i” is replaced by a drawing of teen boy’s face. Below the design reads “Every Tuesday of your life.”
Ad Text:
It’s Sit and Spin Every Tuesday of your life. Mondel eclectic dance sounds. Muy caliente go-go guys. Many special events. Doors open at 9:00pm - 21 and over - $3.00 before 11:00, $5.00 after Las Estrellas Nightclub, 5903 Hollywood Blvd. (at Bronson) in Hollywood.