Published In:
SinBros #4, Spring 1990
Filed Under:
Zines, Bookstores, QZAP, Melrose
SinBros #4, Spring 1990
Filed Under:
Zines, Bookstores, QZAP, Melrose
︎6107 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038︎Source Link: SinBros #4 on QZAP
Image Description:
Full page ad for RetailSlut clothing store printed in black on white background. Ad features half tone photograph of a shirtless, barefoot, slim white man with long, teased light hair, sitting on a chair against a wall. He is wearing an elaborate studded collar, suspenders attached to tight dark leggings, a large leather belt with metal rings and studs, and large studded, leather gaunlets on each wrist. Below the photo is the Retail Slut logo, feautring a simple, line drawing of a smiley-face, modified with a vampiric widows-peak and fangs.
Ad Text:
RetailSLUT 6107 Melrose Ave (between Highland & Cahuenga) (213) 465-7900