Officers Club
︎ 10522 Burbank Bl., No. Hollywood, CaImage Description:
Card in 6-card full page ad block, black solid background with white text and artwork. large logo for Officers Club in the shiled in center of ad, address text wrapped around left and righ side of shield, ad text above and below.
Ad Text:
Uniforms Requested Enlisted Men Welcome Officers Club 10522 BURBANK BL., NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA (213) 760-9563, MON. THRU THURS. 2000 to 0200 HOURS FRI. 2000 to 0400 HOURS SAT. 1400 to 0400 HOURS SUN. & HOLIDAYS 1400 to 0200 HOURS DONALD CRESPINAL — C.O.
Also at this address: The Bullet bar