Larry Townsend Mail Order
︎ 525 N. Laurel, LA 90048Image Description:
Single column ad, printed in black on a white background. Inset image featuring a white muscular man whipping the ass of another white man with a leather belt.
Ad Text:
Larry Townsend, author of the Latherman’s Handbook offers the most complete and dependable mail order service for the leather S&M-oriented man. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, TOYS in leather, latex, etc. OTHER SPECIALTIES. For info and catalogues, send $2 (refundable on first order) and 21 statement to: Larry Townsend, P.O. Box 302, Beverly Hills, CA 90213. 525 N. Laurel, LA 90048
Cross Reference:
The address listed under the P.O. Box returns in several searches around the web in personal ads.